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FRIDAY September 27

9:30 - 10:00

SESSION 0: Welcome & Opening Remarks

10:15 - 11:45

SESSION 1: Applications (professional)

Gonen Dori Hacohen
Is Dialogue a possibility in Speech-Language-Therapy?

Markus Bieswanger
Applied variational pragmatics: Courtesies in Aviation English

SESSION 2: Social (digital media)

Alejandro Parini & Lucía Cantamutto
Emotional Feedback during live streaming: exploring the enactment of social presence through emoji use

Silvia Murillo
The use of emoji in Twitter/X for Research Dissemination Purposes

Penelope Nguyen & Lori Czerwionka
The effect of emojis on attitudes towards the emoji sender: An age and gender analysis of Vietnamese Facebook Messenger users

SESSION 3: Theories

Laure Lansari
Common Ground, Affiliation and Topic Shifting: Discourse Marker I was going to/gonna say in American spoken English

Nina Hacket
The Forgotten Pragmatic Aspect of Conceptual Engineering

1:45 - 3:15

SESSION 4: Applications (medical)

Staci Defibaugh
Complaint responses in post-surgical neurosurgery care: Navigating a complex position

Melike Akay
Beyond the Stethoscope: Narrative Positioning and Person Deixis in Online Hospital Reviews

Shuyang Ye
Pragmatics in Healthcare: Complaints and Complaint Responses in Patient-Physician E-dialogues in China

SESSION 5: Social (digital media)

Rong Lei
Attending to others' feelings(ti tie)in the delivery of advice on a Chinese e-mental health platform

Carolin Schneider
Metadiscursive Framing of Death – Negotiating Taboo in a Community of Practice on Reddit

Hatime Ciftci
Senti-aspects and forms of evaluation in MOOC reviews

SESSION 6: Experimental

Shadden Alfadhil & Sylvia Schreiner
The Influence of Najdi Arabic Discourse Markers in Conversational Contexts

Anne Bezuidenhout
Embedded appositive clauses and discourse relations: An experimental pragmatics investigation

Benjamin Weissman
Assessing the commitment account of lying by manipulating intent to deceive

3:30 - 5:00

SESSION 7: Applications (media/corpus)

Maite Taboada
Quotation patterns in news discourse

Onwu Inya
Evaluating legislative quality in Nigerian Senate debates: A corpus-based investigation

Monika Kirner-Ludwig
A corpus-assisted study into formulaic humor and humorous conversational routines in fictional telecinematic dialogue

SESSION 8: Social (media/gender)

Shannon Gallion
Voids and Cryptids: Subversive Uses of "Gender" in Trans and Nonbinary spaces on Tumblr

Luoxiangyu Zhang
"A date with mansplaining men" - Women's multimodal construction of masculine identities in male-parody videos on Douyin

Benjamin Puterbaugh
Disembedding perreo: how the Spanish Language Academy prescribes heteronormativity in reggaeton

SESSION 9: Intercultural

Nicola Swinburne & Peter Petré
Pragmatic meanings of 'do'-support in Camuno and English

Istvan Kecskes
The modal continuum approach in intercultural interactions

Mugiho Kojima
The function of Japanese and English language switching: Discourse analysis of a common grounding process

5:15 - 6:15

SESSION 10: Plenary
Salvatore Attardo
Salvatore Attardo
"Florida Man Makes Announcement": Humor as Eristic Discourse in the Age of the Internet

SATURDAY September 28

9:00 - 10:30

SESSION 11: Applications (professional)

Karen Fullin
Inferencing in the L2: How nonnative speakers interpret presupposition, entailment, and implicature

Yuki Morita
The Relationship Between Verbal Irony and Subsequent Utterances Within Turn

Kübra Çekmegeli
Teacher's Control of Students' Side-Talk

SESSION 12: Social (mass media)

Yongping Ran & Jiabei Hu
Impoliteness and responsibility in media-involved mediation of wage dispute

Yuxuan Mu
"Waste-sorting is the new fashion": waste, power, and semiotic landscape

Lili Gong
A morality account for taking offence in teasing in talk shows

SESSION 13: Theories

Patrick Duffley
Can syntax simply swallow semantics, leaving only a syntactic and a pragmatic component?

Paul Saka
Putnam's Twin Earth: 50 Years Later

11:00 - 12:30

SESSION 14: Applications (business)

Amaly Santiago
Corporate discourse and learned helplessness

Walter Spezzano
From Overtourism to Sustainable Tourism: A Linguistic Analysis of Destination Branding in Miami Beach

Sofie Decock & Ilse Depraetere
Decoding dissatisfaction: an exploration of (in)directness in political and customer complaint tweets

SESSION 15: Teaching/learning

Tania Ferronato & Kate Yaw
Pragmatic impact of Italian intonation on FL learners' perceptions of statements and polar questions

Yaqian Zhao
Second Language Speakers' Translanguaging Practices at the Chinese Conversation Table

John Kruse
Fifteen shades of offensiveness: L1 and LX English users' understanding, perception and self-reported use of taboo

SESSION 16: Variation

Shana Scucchi
Sociopragmatic Variation and Identity Construction in L2 Spanish: An Analysis of Context and Group Membership

Elizabeth Smith, Anne-José Villeneuve & Julie Auger
Yes/No Questions and Pragmatic Variation in Quebec French Sociolinguistic Interviews

Maisarah Almirabi
Social Attitudes Manifested in Embodying Cars in Arabic From a Cognitive Linguistics Perspective

2:00 - 3:30

SESSION 17: Intercultural

Marina Asad
Evaluation Disagreement in Complaint Interactions: Insights from Japanese and Egyptian Arabic Daily Conversations

Nafla Alshahrani
A Metapragmatic Analysis of Metaphors in Complimenting Political Figures in Arabic and English YouTube Comments

Emma Corbeau
Maybe it's a friend - A Comparison of Advice Giving in French and Japanese on Twitch

SESSION 18: Social (digital media)

Kayleigh Fisher
"So Based King": The Construction of a Straight Man Register in a Queer Online Community

Jihye Kim & Camilla Vásquez
Restaurant Reviews on TikTok: A Multimodal Analysis of Food Evaluation

SESSION 19: Social/interactional

Ogbonna Anyanwu & Eunice Osuagwu
Indigenous Igbo Endearment Names for Wives as Speech Acts in Socio-Cultural Context

Hilal Ergul & Timea Chen
English translations of Mandarin kinship and address terms in Cdrama subtitles across three streaming platforms

Shelby Miller
Exploring Personality Traits and Embarrassment: An Interactional Sociopragmatic Approach

3:45 - 5:15

SESSION 20: Applications (forensic)

Dieter Stein
Asymmetric communication: a case of language as the only evidence

Magdalena Szczyrbak
Metapragmatic framing and (non-)cooperation in the cross-examination of expert witnesses

Dale Gronemeier
Power language in legal discourse: Coercive declarative and tag questions

SESSION 21: Social (performance)

Ogbonna Anyanwu
Documenting and Analyzing Nigerian Indigenous Folksongs in Socio-Pragmatic Contexts: The Case of Ngwa-Igbo Birth-songs

Ibukun Filani
Rethinking common ground and co-construction in performance humour

Maria Jose Torres Centurion
Examining Performative Voicing and Raciolinguistic Ideologies in Latina Stand-up Performances

SESSION 22: Theories

Koichi Nishida
The Roles of Common Ground and Gricean Maxims in Parodies

Ivan Knižar
The Implicative Verb Manage: An Ad Hoc Conceptual Contribution to the Proposition Expressed

Bruno Luis de Oliveira Andreotti
Generalized implicature evaporation due to irrelevance

5:30 - 6:30

SESSION 23: Plenary
Mandy Simons
Mandy Simons
Conversation without Common Ground

SUNDAY September 29

9:00 - 10:30

SESSION 24: Intercultural

Tanne Stephens
A cross-cultural comparison of request strategies in US American English and German

Hiromi Nakatani
Forms and Functions of Sentence-final Expressions in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean

Macy Floyd
John and horses: an examination of suprasegmental features on prosodic competence

SESSION 25: Social (genre)

Yi Zhang & Luoxiangyu Zhang
Internet influencer promotion genre in social media - A move analysis of Qiafan videos on

Juan Rostrán Valle
Communicating professional identity: A genre analysis of the "About" section of LinkedIn profiles of TESOL/Applied Linguistics professors

Ping Liu
The metapragmatics of trust repair in online negative review responses

SESSION 26: Theories/Social

Lena Schwartz
A Model of Uncooperative Interpretation

Brett Sherman
Ruling out

Patxi Laskurain-Ibarluzea
Challenges in Phraseology: Evidence from Routine Formulas in Spanish and English

SESSION 27: Social (digital media)

Moazzam Ali Malik
Exploring Complimentary Discourse on Instagram: A Cross-cultural Linguistic Analysis of Urdu and English

Susan Herring & Ashley Dainas
And Chaos Will Result: Catastrophizing Hypotheticals in Comment Threads About Deepfakes

Antonella Gazzardi
Hyperbole, exaggeration, and extreme case formulations in citizen sociolinguistic content: YouTubers comment on Italian-English mixing

11:00 - 12:30

SESSION 28: Social (genres)

Elaine Chun
Language statements as genre and performance

Mariaelena Bartesaghi & Kate Pantelides
Is there a body in this email? Genre conventions and ruptures in academic CMC

Francesca Marino
A Genre Analysis Of Yoga Classes on YouTube: A Cross-Cultural Corpus-Based Study

SESSION 29: Social (digital)

Rosa Lorés
Strategies for engaging the audience: A pragmatic exploration of the recontextualization of expert knowledge in digital discourse

Iuliia Rychkova
Negotiating Leadership across Cultures: An Intercultural Pragmatic Analysis of Multilingual Graduate Student Interaction in Remote Professional Setting

Daniel Pascual Oliva
Comparing pragmatic strategies in research groups' digital practices: Project websites versus social media

SESSION 30: Theories/Social (digital)

Suzy Park
Intentional ambiguity, affective stance, and disagreement: An analysis of negated graded adjectives as pragmatic markers

Amel Khalfaoui
A Procedural Account of the Tunisian Arabic Concessive Particle ?ama

Rahaf Al-Qahtani & Mohammad Mahzari
Analyzing Online Negative Reviews of Restaurants in Arabic

12:45 - 1:45

SESSION 31: Plenary
Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich
Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich
Towards an Intergroup Pragmatics